Tuesday, January 8, 2008

stuck in a rut.

this is such a confusing place. i have so much going on inside of my head. i feel like if i truly start to think about things that i might explode. i don't know if i put myself here or not. i'm just confused right now. i need some direction. i need change. everyday is school and work. i need something exciting. something different or unexpected. something risky, unpredictable. i don't know. i really don't.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

my girl, you're getting married in a little over 4 months, you'll be moving to a new place soon after. i know it's hard at times but try to be content right here, right now. you don't want to miss out on what's right in front of you. as for the other stuff, follow your heart...a woman's intuition rarely leads her astray, especially if she's backed up in the Lord.