Wednesday, January 9, 2008

no it ain't no way to be

i'm trying to peel back the layers of myself. i have to face my insecurities and just come to grip with how i i really feel. it takes time to heal, and the more i look for quick fixes in the world the longer it will take. i am realizing that a lot of what i do is to try and cover up how i really feel somehow. i relish in the attention of others because i don't feel adequate enough. i seek what i don't need so that i can feel wanted. i KNOW that i'm wanted so why do i do this?? i have no clue. it's heartbreaking to realize. i just need to keep telling myself that i am good enough. i need to be healed and to know in my heart that i am loved...i don't need to seek "love" from this world. that will never be enough. God is the only true healer. in HIS name we are healed. nothing else will do.

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