Monday, December 10, 2007

hot winter

what to write.....

not that anyone reads this.
but sometimes i am bored and i feel the need to write.

2 weeks until christmas.
lots of pictures to take.
people always be wanting some coffee.
lots of wedding things to plan. i love my husband-to-be.
aerobic dancing?? yeah, you heard me.
RMI of the wrist. it really does happen, man.

this quarter is going by fast already. only one quarter left then i'm out of ruston. i'm gonna miss this place. i learned a lot while i was here. but time here is not up yet.

so i'm reading this book, and at the end of the chapters it has some questions. well one of them was "name a time when you truly felt alive." i found that a very difficult question to answer. i want to feel alive.

"you have to own your days, every one of them,
or else the years go by and none of them belong to you."
-herb gardner

that's really all i have right now.

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